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I really dig robot girls :3 - Alter's Kos-Mos

Kos-Mos, is the one robot girl I dig the most.

After all, no one can simply forget their first robot girl. You can look at my original write up of Kos-Mos from before I even had started this blog.

I'm not really fond of that post, so I decided to make a new one.


Kos-Mos really is one of my top three favorite characters, sadly I only own two figures of her. This initial release and the sexy swimsuit version I featured before.

I really want to pick up at least Alter's V4 release someday.

This is quite an old release almost five years old and one of Alter's first releases as well. This version of Kos-Mos was released in December of 2005 at a 1/8th scale for 4750 yen.

I ended up buying this figure from some random retailer online for a price much higher than that.

I like Kos-Mos' pose in this figure, really dynamic compared to other figures available at the time.

Looking at these pictures of Kos-Mos it's making me go down the memory lane and reminiscing about playing Xenosaga Episode I. Xenosaga together with Golden Sun on the GBA were my gateway drug into RPGs.

I still really like the series of games from Xenosaga, too bad it met a premature end with only three games out of the planned six.

Even though this is an older figure it still up to par as a quality release.

After all this Kos-Mos is still an Alter release, the sculpture, the painting and the details are up to par from what I expect from Alter.

Except for one thing, for some reason the gloves and the garter belt are this ugly brown color instead of the original black as seen in the game.

One thing that really caught my attention was how Kos-Mos' hair was translucent instead of a solid color.

Looking back Alter as well as other figure producers would later use this same approach for future releases of the character.

Taking a look at Kos-Mos face her looks and facial features changed quite a bit in between the first and third entry in Xenosaga.

Another thing that changed as the games progressed was Kos-Mos' bust, it grew as the games progressed.

The base is pretty boring, a featureless white square quite similar to Alter's Nanoha StrikerS figure bases.

Thinking about it, it would have been nice if Kos-Mos' base included a short bio like the Nanoha StrikerS did.

I'm happy I finally let this out of my system. I never felt I did this figure justice plus it being my first PVC figure I always felt I shout re-shoot her.

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